R on the Web – Links

Setting up the R development environment is actually a ridiculously easy task.  It just consists of downloading the base R and the IDE to help with seeing how code runs.

The power of R is in the packages that are available. The ones needed  will be noted in a later post.


For Getting R

1>  Select a suitable download mirror site from https://cran.r-project.org/mirrors.html

2> Then on the mirror site select the precompiled distributions for your system, i.e., Windows, Mac, Linux 32/64-bit

3> Download  the software

4> Follow the installation instructions as provided


Getting the R IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

1> Available on https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/

2> Pick the appropriate FREE Desktop version – has all features needed

3> Follow instructions to install